I. General Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish responsibilities and procedures to ensure safety, proper operation, storage, and enforcement of all personal and micro-transportation devices on campus.
This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, tenants, visitors, and contractors working on behalf of Rice University.
II. Roles and Responsibilities
Rice University Police Department (RUPD) is responsible for safety, traffic enforcement, and the registration of all micro-transportation devices on campus. In conjunction with the Facilities and Capital Planning department and the Housing and Dining department, the university will provide and maintain all exterior parking and storage areas.
The micro-transportation operator is responsible for following guidelines outlined in this policy, including: adhering to traffic regulations, securing their equipment in designated areas, handling and operating their equipment safely, and registering their equipment with RUPD. Building management may develop interior storage options in areas that do not impede egress and comply with the City of Houston Fire Code.
III. Definitions
Micro-transportation shall include all devices, owned or part of a rental service, manual or motorized, that facilitate the movement of people locally. Micro-transportation shall not include devices that are designated or used to facilitate access in accordance with the American Disabilities Act.
- Scooters: personal devices with two or three wheels, with handlebars and a floorboard that can be operated seated or standing, propelled by human power or motor(s).
- Skateboards: devices with at least four wheels connected to a floorboard, on which a person can ride in a standing or crouching position, propelling themselves by pushing one foot against the ground and/or motor(s).
- Monowheels: devices with only one wheel that can be operated seated or standing, propelled by human power or motor(s).
- Bicycles: devices composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, steered with handlebars, and propelled by human power or motor(s). Devices to include unicycles, tricycles, and carts with wheel bases ranging from one to four or more wheels.
IV. Elaboration of Policy
- Operation
- All persons utilizing micro-transportation on university owned or controlled property are to comply with all applicable State of Texas statutes, university policies and procedures, and all traffic control devices. Operators are expected to go with the direction of traffic, yield to pedestrian in crosswalks and stop as buses are loading and unloading.
- Operators of micro-transportation must obey all laws of vehicular traffic when on the roadway and shall not engage in acrobatic riding or other acts or maneuvers which may endanger the safety of the operator or others or damage property.
- Operation of motorized micro-transportation devices is only permitted on roadways and parking lots.
- Operation of non-motorized micro-transportation devices is permitted on roadways and in areas where bicycle travel is allowed. Operation of non-motorized micro-transportation is prohibited in covered walkways, stairs, ramps, and railings or inside and at the entrance to university owned or controlled buildings and parking structures, including, but not limited to, loading docks and access ramps. Operators should reduce travel speed in the presence of pedestrians and must yield to pedestrians at all times
- Operation of micro-transportation is prohibited on sidewalks, covered walkways, and paths not designated as bicycle routes; stairs, ramps, railings, and other surfaces not intended for vehicular travel; or inside and at the entrance to university owned or controlled buildings and parking structures, including, but not limited to, loading docks, driveways, and access ramps to garages.
- Parking, Storage, and Enforcement
- Motorized micro-transportation devices shall be parked in areas specifically designated for storage of such devices. Indoor storage of motorized micro-transportation is prohibited in university owned or controlled property not designated for indoor storage. Residential rooms and personal office spaces are designated indoor storage spaces.
- Motorized micro-transportation devices may not be left at ramps, entrances, stairwells, or facilities designated for persons with physical disabilities, or in such a manner as to impede the free and clear use of such facilities and exit passageways.
- The Rice University Police Department (RUPD) may move, assess fees, or impound any device operated or stored in a manner that violates university policy.
- Rice University shall not be liable for any damage, repair, or replacement associated with moving or impounding any device operated or stored in a manner that violates university policy.
V. Responsible Official and Key Offices
Responsible Officer: Executive Vice President for Operations, Finance, & Support
Key Offices: Rice University Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities and Capital Planning, Housing and Dining
VI. Procedures and Forms
Link to Bike Registration:
Policy History
Issued: September 6, 2023
Clerical Changes
March 4, 2024